
Sai Kung computer mainly provide computer supporting service for the family and small enterprise in Sai Kung community.

Please Whatsapp 91412368 before bring in the computer for repair.

地址 :  西貢高勝樓一樓七号鋪     address : shop 7, Ko Shing Building, Sai Kung


Tel  : 27915438   Mobile and  Whatsapp :91412368 


Close to Sai Kung 1A mini bus terminal  靠近西貢1A小巴站


客户  customer 項目  project
建滔布業  Kintao Textile 中港辦公室網络架設及維護 office networking
景行出版社  Kinghorn Press 辦公室網络架設及維護 閉路電視 office networking and CCTV system
西貢泰和行 Tai Woo realty 辦公室網络架設及維護 office networking
彩雲青少年中心  Choi Wan C & Y centre 閉路電視系统  CCTV system
西貢溱喬  Giverny WIFI 網络架設
成豐 辦公室網络架設及維護 office networking